Escape from Eden

Although I hear you can still do it even without virtual biological equipment, supposedly it’s not nearly as fun, evocative or visually pleasurable as it is when outfitted with pseudo genitals.

Click Me, Baby!

Hover that beautiful mouse arrow all over my virtual body.

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Sex in Second Life

For all of its emphasis on worldliness, eccentricity and knock-out looks, Second Life can really present some uncertain territory when it comes to sex.

Beyond the Bits and Bytes

Being a so-called citizen implies having at least a basic understanding of how your environment functions. Even in a virtual context, if enough users work to understand their simulated surroundings, they are empowering themselves and are hence becoming more equipped to bring about change in their digital domains.

Digital Knockout

Just really briefly on the possible merits and pitfalls of this high-tech world of imagination: since it is so very absorbing, participation in Second Life can spiral into a monumental waste of time for the misguided, undisciplined and plain old stupid among us. On the other hand, if indulged in wisely, it’s a wonderful way to engage in fantasy and do some personal exploration.

The Psychology of the Internet

Some of the more interesting parts of the book deal with group dynamics, and a lot of what you’ll read in these passages will ring strikingly true if you take part in MMORPGs, message boards, mailing groups, or any other cyber circle in the arena of computer-mediated communication.

Physical Form in Digital Space

In my opinion, I’d rather have the two very manly extremities go away so that I could imagine for myself what I look like. That would help with the fantasy because it would make it easier for me to feel like I was “there.”