Even better than the real thing?

I suppose there is a pretty significant degree of appeal to a graphically rendered person who’s so recognizably made of pixels, perhaps partially due to the fact that real-life bodily imperfections are banished in favor of idealized physical traits.

A stripper that struts with such good skin

I just hope that one day, within a reasonable time frame, the Second Life user — myself included, obviously, — will be able to whip up an avatar as uncanny as the voluptuous incarnation you see above without having to possess any sort of extensive knowledge of custom-tailoring skins. After all, I’m a user. I want to hit the ground running and not have to pull my hair out trying to create something that will help me suspend disbelief during virtual world interaction — particularly when engaging in 3D cybersex.

Supporting photorealism in Second Life

I personally believe that if photorealism is indeed an emerging current in its (very) embryonic stage, it should be cultivated and supported - and that includes patronizing any in-world creators and merchants who deal in such products.

Dead ringers in virtual environments

I imagine right off the bat that the immersion factor would be greatly enhanced by controlling a carbon-copy surrogate from behind my keyboard, which in turn would enrich the more ‘carnal’ experiences that I pursue as a Second Life inhabitant.