Let there be male homo sex and whips and chains

Males will pretty soon be able to get it on with other males inside RedLightCenter. “It’s certainly something that is being built as we speak,” said Ray Schwartz, president of Utherverse Inc., the company behind RLC. “We’re building a bathhouse, and I think a steam room also is being built.” The new features are expected to be released within the next month, with the homosexual animations themselves possibly being introduced beforehand, Schwartz said.

I interviewed Schwartz on Saturday via phone, and asked him about what’s on the horizon for RLC over the next few months, as well as some longer-term plans.

Currently, the only gay sex that’s possible in RLC is girl-on-girl. Schwartz said the reason for that was there was a much greater demand for it among users, versus guy-on-guy sex. (Interesting side note: Schwartz guessed that about 90 percent of RLC users are heterosexual, with the other 10 percent bi or gay, or curious about being bi or gay.)

Also in the works is simulated BDSM, which I was happy to hear. “That is going to be within the next month or two,” Schwartz said. But don’t expect anything too wild or extreme at first. “It will be enough to get everybody started,” he said. On a related note, he said no boundaries will be drawn as far as simulated sexual activity, as long as it’s legal and consensual.

Another feature coming down the pike: free, customizable virtual apartments for VIPs. Those will be added in mid- to late September, Schwartz said. In addition, staffers are working on enabling users to create their own animations and content for themselves or to sell to others. “We are developing the tools to give more and more options to people,” Schwartz said, adding that “we want to keep the tools as simple as possible.” I did neglect to ask about who would hold rights to the content once it’s created. Alas, a good follow-up question for a future interview.

At any rate, RedLightCenter currency — similar to the Linden dollar in Second Life — also is in the works, Schwartz said. And when asked where he sees RLC in the next five to seven years, he said he hopes to add a holodeck, complete with an interface that incorporates the use of virtual reality goggles.

I also have some notes on anticipated company growth, as well as how many registered accounts Utherverse projects for RLC over the next several months. But I need to clarify a few matters first before publishing anything on that. Plus, I’ve been trying to shorten my posts, as they do tend to get kind of lengthy. :)

1 Comment(s)

  1. Comment by Slyyder on August 2, 2006 8:09 am

    (Interesting side note: Schwartz guessed that about 90 percent of RLC users are heterosexual, with the other 10 percent bi or gay, or curious about being bi or gay.)

    Hmmm interesting, not sure on male figures, but from wandering around looking at female profiles, especially the number that list aa bisexual, i would have thought the percentages were a lot higher than that…

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