I think I’m virtually horny
Alrighty, having received a good number of responses to my call for candidates to have virtual sex with in Second Life, I am ready to start moving forward with this. I want to thank MMOrgy and especially its creator, qDot, for helping me find some adventurous in-world residents willing to help me learn about the erotic side of Second Life.
Anyway, I received what sounds like a tempting proposal from a user who commented on my post below and invited me into her virtual home, which she shares with her partner. (Yes, you read that right. Two women.) So I will be taking steps to hang out in-world with this open-minded couple to see how it goes. I am going to try to set something up with them for tomorrow. I also will contacting other users who responded, especially since I am still interested in hooking up with a guy avatar.
I will be regularly posting pictures of what transpires as well as writing some cool accounts of my impressions of this whole experience. From start to finish! Maybe I’ll be able to track down an in-world photographer who can cover my interaction in SL.
As far as this site goes, please excuse its appearance for a bit as I am changing things around a little. I also will be making some changes content-wise so that the site can focus exclusively on SL sex — or virtual sex in general. That means getting rid of all the book reviews and other non-sexual content that I was posting here.
Thanks everyone for your interest!
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Hey! Good to see your alive and posting again!
Hope things go well on your quest for teh hot sex0rz, I’m definitely interested to see how it turns out. ^_^
Hi qDot. Thanks again for all your help, interest and support!
Ramona and I so excited to get a chance to talk you. I love the concept, what you’re doing here.
darkchyld: Thanks! Looking forward to meeting you and your partner.