
Licking sloppy simulated sex

Who knew that a fuck could unfold as smooth as silk with one virtual partner, but then make for a really sloppy and unrealistic screen display with someone else who has different bodily proportions? And all because of sex pose balls. This is the main lesson that I’ve learned now that I’ve been around the block a few times in Second Life.

For non-residents of SL, pose balls are clickable circular objects that animate your avatar. You can have them on your bed, your sofa, your rug — anywhere you want to get it on. The thing is, you generally have to edit them if you plan on changing partners. Sometimes it’s just tweaking, but sometimes there are big adjustments to be made. Either way, this a relevant issue for me, since I am now the proprietor of my new BDSM business, Dashwood Dungeon.

For example, if you’re female and you fuck a male who is relatively short, you’ll have to edit the pose balls accordingly. This way, when you ride the guy’s penis, for example, it won’t be plunging into your stomach instead of where it counts. The kicker is that if you use the same settings for a taller partner, chances are you’ll be riding the guy’s mid- to upper torso instead of the pelvic region, so you’ll have to recalibrate the positioning of the pose balls via the editing option.

See how generous I am? I’m blogging this so you don’t have to discover this the hard (and potentially embarrassing) way. :)

And while I’m on this topic, let me just mention this: I guess the pose ball issue is really something to consider when using the ones that are available in the SL sex clubs and other simulated places that are open to the public. The bummer is, you can’t edit a pose ball unless you own it yourself, as far as I know. So you just have to hope all the parts jive correctly.

Moving on, I recently had my first client over at my dungeon. He asked that I not disclose his identity on this blog, so of course I am honoring that, as I would do for any customer who asks the same. He did, however, grant me permission to write about our encounter. And he also facetiously requested that I refer to him as handsome, which he was. And a good personality to boot.

Basically, I spent nearly an hour with him and had a blast. The money I earned was just icing on the cake. As I have mentioned before, a big part of the reason why I operate the dungeon is for my own personal enjoyment. And enjoy myself, I did. I objectified my client without holding back — he got punished, he got humiliated, he got sex, in no particular order.

The great thing is, it wasn’t work. I merely unleashed my inner animal and let it roam free. Then I got paid.

2 Responses to “Licking sloppy simulated sex”

  1. Blixa Shirakawa
    March 14, 2006 21:25

    mmm.. delicious. :)

  2. Noche
    March 15, 2006 03:55

    You know it, Blixa. ;)

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